Simon and his Daddy Jeff
Two of Simon's favorites... Levi & Baseball
Reid thinks the world of his big brother
You're not my little boy anymore
Two Families+Two Losses=a Family Brought Together By God
A week ago today Avery, Autumn & Hannah got a surprise they had been waiting for for a long time. Periodically over the past few years one of them would ask about getting their ears pierced. They were always told they needed to wait until they were older. Recently with her ninth birthday approaching, Autumn had been pleading her case to her Dad about how "fun" it would be for her, Avery & Hannah to get their ears pierced for their birthday. We realize that their birthday is still over a month away, but last Sunday when we found ourselves in Des Moines at Jordan Creek Mall with Dad along, we decided to take advantage of the opportunity and surprised them by suggesting that today would be a good day to get their ears pierced. They were stunned, surprised and very nervous to say the least. All three were brave and got it done with Autumn going first, followed by Hannah and then Avery. They are all happy to have their ears pierced, but Autumn is by far the most excited. She has made phone calls to Grandparents and Aunts to tell them her big news.